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Friday, August 30, 2013

Super Crazy Directioner finally Watched This Is Us

One Direction was officially released the first premiere movie of This Is Us on 20th August 2013 (England only).

Gue hari itu cuma bisa nonton liputan red carpetnya by streaming. Dan gw seperti biasa fangirling gila gilaan dan makin ga bisa nunggu buat nonton film This Is Us. Reallly curious!

Jauh hari sebelumnya gw udah mesen tiket nonton 1D ini. Rencana nonton gw adalah 31 Agustus 2013 (yang akhirnya mundur ke 1 September 2013 -____-), tapi gw bener2 ga bisa nunggu sampe hari itu!!!

AAk gimana ya gw biar lebih cepat nonton ini film dan harus jadi yang pertama dari semua orang (hahahha).. Kemudian setelah cari cari info dan rajin refresh timeline serta denger radio, gw akhirnya tahu bahwa di Indonesia This Is Us bakal resmi premiere tanggal 28 Agustus 2013 HAH! gw bertekad gw harus dapat tiket premiere itu!!!

Yap, banyak kuis yang diadaian di twitter dan radio, gw ikutin semua kuis demi dapetin tiket premiere itu. Daaaan, diantara semua kuis yang gw ikutin, akhirnya gw dapet juga 2 tiket premiere dari @Cinema21.. Wohooo.. senang bukan main.

Lokasi pemutaram film bertempat di XXI Plaza Senayan pukul 19.00. Gw (dan adik gw) berangkat sekitar jam 17:00 dan sampai di lokasi jam 18:30. Sampai sana aktivitas gak langsung berjalan lancar. Kita agak susah nemuin panitia dari Cinema21 gara2 koneksi internet HP yang kampret.. Tapi syukurlah bisa ketemu dan nonton tanpa ada telat2an ;D

Yap bagaimana Filemnya menurut gue..


UUU yeaaah... I Screamed, Laughed then Cried during the film... This is the best movie in the planet haha... Sepanjang fiml ini bioskop ga ada sunyinya. Penonton ada aja yang teriak, tertawa waaaw... :3

Singkat aja, jadi filmnya ini menceritakan mengenai perjalanan konser 130 negara take me home tour yang mereka sekarang lagi jalanin, suka dukanya terus apa aja sih yang terjadi di belakang stage dan ada juga cerita singkat awal sejarah terbentuknya mereka.

Abis nonton ini, gw makin, makin, makin cinta sama One Direction. Hey boys, you have a loyal fans here :)

Dan sekarang gw makin gak sabar buat nontonuin mereka lagi buat yang kedua kalinya (mungkin nanti bakal ada juga yang ketiga, keempat, kelima dan seterusnya,,, hihi sampai gw dapetin donlodannya or dvdnya)

Here it is some pictures that succesfully taken:

U yeaaaah!!!

Good night, Fellas :*


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Im about to crazy you One Direction

One Direction.

In the end of 2011 (or maybe in the begin of 2012)  is the first time I know them. One Direction is a (boy)band contains of five (young handsome) boys from British Xfactor singing competition.

It was accident to know them, i was just youtube-ing at that time and accidentally found their Music Video.. I replayed (maybe hunreds replayed haha) their video on the day. I just... yeah you can say I love them at the first sight!!!!

Hey, you wanna say I love them just by their looking? Of course yes! ups... no no Im kidding :p.. Beside of their looking which make me hard to breath #ups,, their song, performance and of course their singing technic is maximal very very awesome!!! Whoaaah... ah yap,, Plus their funny and good behaviour also make me more adore them..

One direction has released two albums. First album "Up All Night" was released on 2011 and second album "Take Me Home" was released on 2012.

They are currently busy of their "Take Me Home" summer tour around the world but unfortunately Indonesia is not yet listed in their world tour :( *Ooh I hope someday*

Ahh, back to story about me and One Direction *narcist* :p..


Since I adore and love them, sure I also have a special crush between the boys. First I was falling to Liam *till now* because he is too charming, cute, sweet, funny, manly, bad boy but mommy boy, childist and spoiled (I loove spoiled boy :3) at the same body.. ooh perfect!! Second I think Louis is ideal.. he is mature, funny (of course!), and most handsome :">. And now i think I go to Niall aaaak... baby boy, cutest one and friendly mwach mwach :*

Im going to be crazy  and you gonna be bored if im still talking about me and my fangirling.. hahhaai, its better to picture time *prepare your oxygen tube*

<----- :="" br="" i="" liam="" nbsp="" said="" sick="" this="" was="" when="">
<---when :="" he="" is="" p="" younger="">

Good night, Fellas :*

If you could see me now

Sorry Im almost forget his birthday, three days left and I just can write about him right now.

Im not that sad like some years ago, hopely its not meaning im little bit forgetting him or being normal for his leaving. NO NO! im just trying to be stronger, and sincere to know him will never be here anymore.

Him is my father, my only father, my hero, my everything. And. I. Miss. Him. So. Much.

Hi, dad.. Howdy? Hope you happy there and hope my prayer always accepted to you and ease you from everything, ya..

Dad, hmm I dont know where i should start hehe.. i think, i oh no i mean "We" are so much missing you.. i remember the time like this more than three years ago, you used to be my reminder to get pray in the night and always wake me up in early morning to subuh. OOooh, dad im still a forgetful person and my alarm is not that useful, yeah mommy is busy now and I try to not make mom busier. She's tired enough.

Hmmm.. your daughters is bigger now, you dont have to worry us again.. We love you dad.. forever..

Friday, August 16, 2013

You'll Never Walk Alone

Sepertinya sudah telat sekali untuk menceritakan kisah ini. Tapi daripada tidak sama sekali...

Tanggal 20 Juli 2013 adalah hari yang gue tunggu-tunggu. Setelah 2 bulanan lebih dipersiapin akhirnya tanggal itu datang juga!!

Yap, tanggal itu bisa jadi salah satu tanggal bersejarah gue di tahun ini. Apaan sih yang terjadi ditanggal itu, rempong banget gue deh.

HA. hari itu club bola I love the most yang tidak lain dan tidak bukan si Merah Liverpool beneran tanding di GBK!! Yap impian gue buat ngeliat langsung the Lads terutama si Jagoan gue Abang Steven Gerrard bisa terwujud juga!!

Tau rasa senengnya kayak apa?

Seneng banget tau gak sih!!!! :p

Gue janjian nonton match sama temen gw Niken dan 3 orang temannya. Kita janjian ketemuan di Senayan habis buka puasa. Gue yang notabene seorang yang sangat jarang sekali On time and always called "Ngaret Person" sungguh ajaib hari itu karena bisa datang sebelum waktu janjian, malah si temen temen gw yang justru telat dan bikin gw nunggu entah berapa jam lamanya :( *huh, ternyata menunggu is the worst thing ever, right?* *selftoyor :p*

Ah iya, you must know!! Kawasan Senayan (Plaza Senayan, Senayan City, Ratu Plaza dan sekitarnya) hari itu bener bener amazing.. Gue bener-bener terpukau.. Because people wore reds as far as I see, all I see was reds, red red red everywhere! They smiled to each other (ofc also smiled to me) like they meet old friends. No I think we didnt just like friend but family!!  im such a proud kopites, so proud, so lucky to be part of them :')

Well, setelah akhirnya ketemu Niken dan berkenalan dengan Frida, Adit dan Riki, kita markir motor di Plaza Senayan dan berjalan kaki ke SUGBK. Tiba di Stadion, gue agak merinding ngeliat keriuhan yang superb and suddenly gw kok jd mengkhayal seolah gue lagi di Anfield Stadium ahahaha *plak*

Match berlangsung seru! Tidak seperti pertandingan Indonesia melawan klub international sebelumnya yang langsung dibantai abis-abisan, kali ini Indonesia bermain lebih mantap, lebih menyerang dan defensenya juga oke punya *halah so ngerti lau :p*. Ya bener, buktinya babak pertama the Reds cuma bisa menyarangkan 1 goal saja :(

Well gak perlu ceritain gimana pertandingannya karena gw yang awam ilmu persepakbolaan *hayah* ga bakal bisa jelasinnya juga ;))

Pertandingan berakhir 2-0 untuk The Reds.. After Match di stadion ada semacam press conference gitu, terus ada juga moment pas abang Stevie ngelilingin lapangan buat nyapa kopites. Waw meskipun terlihat kecil, gw masih bisa ngenalin beliau dan really excited can see him waved to us.. greet us and always with his thew, he gave some applause to appreciate and respect us :) WHAT AN AMAZING CAPTAIN EVER!!!

After selesai, kita ber4 makan dulu di warung pinggir jalan sekitaran STC. Kenyang, kita saling pamitan buat pulang ke rumah masing-masing.. Jam sudah menunjukan pukul 01:00 AM. Bener deh gue hari itu pulang dengan hati GEMBIRA!!

Woohooo What a saturday night.. Really unforgattable moment. Hope someday I will really go to Anfield Stadium and meet closer to the Lads..

Goodnight, Fellas
